I don’t even know how to go about writing this blog. But I shall try to put words to my thoughts.
This past half a week has not been very pleasant, to put it very plainly...it has been the most painful I have ever had to live through. Thursday my family went up to Sudbury for another meeting with moms cancer doctors(it was also Jessies birthday). The day was ok to begin with, mom was feeling better than the past few days and she was ok on the trip. After a few hours at Chapters and getting Starbucks(amazing!) we went to the mall, got some bubble tea and went to pick up dad and mom.
Ignorance can be such bliss even when you know something painful is coming.
The doctors have said there is nothing else they can do and are stopping chemo. Mom has not been herself lately and gets confused easily. We don’t know how much longer we have her with us..but we know it is not for much longer. It is hard to watch this woman, who has cared for me my whole life..is now slowly slipping away into LIFE. I know God can take it all away in an instant but if, in His plan, chooses not to I will love Him and know all of this is for His glory and our good. Mom will be in a much better place away from all of this. She is the lucky one. Death is just another victory for the Christian...whether in life or death we have won. And mom has most defiantly won! The devil has not got this one...God has it all!
I cant think of anything else to write but I will leave you all with a lyrics to a song and a prayer request.
First the prayer request. We are planning to go to Windsor to spend Christmas with family. Mom asks for prayer so that she will have mental clarity and be able to fully enjoy Christmas. Also for safe travels and that things with go very smooth.
You said
you'd never leave or forsake me
when you said,
this life is gonna shake me
and you said
this world is gonna bring trouble on my soul
this I know
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
you keep holding on
when I see
darkness all around me
when I see
that tragedy has found me
I still believe
your faithful arms will never let me go
and still I know
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
you keep holding on
Sorrow will last for the night
but hope is rising with the sun
(it’s rising with the sun)
and there will be storms in this life
but I know you have overcome
You have overcome
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
you keep holding on
You said
you'd never leave or forsake me
when you said,
this life is gonna shake me
and you said
this world is gonna bring trouble on my soul
this I know
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
you keep holding on
when I see
darkness all around me
when I see
that tragedy has found me
I still believe
your faithful arms will never let me go
and still I know
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
you keep holding on
Sorrow will last for the night
but hope is rising with the sun
(it’s rising with the sun)
and there will be storms in this life
but I know you have overcome
You have overcome
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
when everything falls apart
your arms hold me together
when everything falls apart
you're the only hope for this heart
when everything falls apart
and my strength is gone
I find you mighty and strong
you keep holding on
you keep holding on
Thank you all for your prayers and love. We feel Gods arms of love around us through all of this pain.